AssalamuAlaikum wr wb....
This evening I will explain how Islam article
By simply cuba we see how the height of a man will be DAYUS if:
1. Let the beauty genitalia, body shape wife enjoyed by other men all the time officials (if it works) or outside the home.
2. Leaving his wife behind the passing of workers who are not d ** man etahui with what and who, and what is made in the official and who leads.
3. Leaving his wife and daughter genitalia mature look (terselak cloth) climbed during the motor vehicle or something along that causes nevertheless visible genitalia.
4. Leaving her daughter ber'dating 'with tunangnya mahram or male friend instead.
5. Let the girl alone with her partner at home kononnya parents 'sporting' that understands.
6. Ordering, directing and pride daughters and wives to wear sexy clothes outdoors.
7. Leaving his wife and working out without closing aurat perfectly.
8. Leaving his wife to the maternity dibidani doctorate by men without the urgency and necessity that has no selection.
9. Bring the wife and daughter to dirawati doctorate by man while his form clinics and hospitals that have a female doctor.
10. Let the wife go to work with a male friend sepejabat ride without any jealousy.
11. Allowing both wives often-duan with guide rail man without any abattoir.
-Fikirkanlah think the ...
"Convey my message to even one verse ..."
The best man is the one who gave manafa'at to another human being.
WassalamuAlaikum wr wb
created aricle islamic
By simply cuba we see how the height of a man will be DAYUS if:
1. Let the beauty genitalia, body shape wife enjoyed by other men all the time officials (if it works) or outside the home.
2. Leaving his wife behind the passing of workers who are not d ** man etahui with what and who, and what is made in the official and who leads.
3. Leaving his wife and daughter genitalia mature look (terselak cloth) climbed during the motor vehicle or something along that causes nevertheless visible genitalia.
4. Leaving her daughter ber'dating 'with tunangnya mahram or male friend instead.
5. Let the girl alone with her partner at home kononnya parents 'sporting' that understands.
6. Ordering, directing and pride daughters and wives to wear sexy clothes outdoors.
7. Leaving his wife and working out without closing aurat perfectly.
8. Leaving his wife to the maternity dibidani doctorate by men without the urgency and necessity that has no selection.
9. Bring the wife and daughter to dirawati doctorate by man while his form clinics and hospitals that have a female doctor.
10. Let the wife go to work with a male friend sepejabat ride without any jealousy.
11. Allowing both wives often-duan with guide rail man without any abattoir.
-Fikirkanlah think the ...
"Convey my message to even one verse ..."
The best man is the one who gave manafa'at to another human being.
WassalamuAlaikum wr wb
created aricle islamic
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