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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Jadwal pertandingan pekan ini

Madrid Tak Belanja, Kaka Tidak Pergi

Madrid - Real Madrid tidak akan melakukan pembelian di bursa transfer musim dingin yang akan segera dibuka. Dari daftar pemain yang akan pergi, Jose Mourinho memberi pengecualian pada Kaka.
ingin tau lebih lanjut beritanya KLIK DISINI

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Saya mau bagi-bagibtentang MS office 2013 untuk lebih lanjut silakan disini

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Profil rikudo senin

ni gan ane punya profil eikudo legenda senin atau dewa senin

Sunday, December 9, 2012

emulator java untuk pc

Hari ini saya post beberapa aja yaitu emulatorjava untuk komputer lngsung saja lingnya DISINI

Bagaimana cara instal linux ubuntu

ya saya hari ini mau menampilakan tatacara menginstal linux ubuntu sebelum ke topik marilah kita sama sama membaca basmalah langsung saja di sini lingk nya DISINI

Friday, December 7, 2012

blog sahabat

ni dia blog sahabat yang bagus klik disini

blog kesehatan

malam sob sekarang ane mau share blog tentang kesehatan yang mau silaturahmi silakan ke
kalau ada silakan klik skipad /lewati di pojok kanan atas

kumpulan edukasi multimedia

Pagie sob hari ini saya mau share blog kumpulan edukasi tentang multi media versi inggris
ni dia blognya terus kalau ad iklan klik skip ad/lewati di pojok kanan atasnya

Thursday, December 6, 2012

kumpulan aplikasi

hi sob di sini kumpulan aplikasi untuk pc maupun hp .tablet dan lain lain
 klik di bawah sobkik ini

cara tambah visitor blog

1. Promosikan blog ke Situs jejaring sosial
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Selamat Mencoba!!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Cara instal windows 8

  1. Boot komputer anda dengan media instalasi windows 8 Developer.
  2. Mungkin butuh beberapa menit untuk memuat file-file, dan kemudian akan membawa Anda ke layar instalasi. Pilih pilihan yang sesuai dan klik Next.

  3. Sekarang klik pada “Install Now” untuk melanjutkan

  4. centang “Accept the terms and conditions” dan kemudian klik “Next”.

  5. Disini kita bisa memilih opsi apakah ingin meng-upgrade windows kita ke windows 8 Edisi Developer atau ingin melakukan instalasi bersih. Pilih Custom (Advanced) untuk melanjutkan instalasi bersih.

  6. Pada layar ini Anda dapat memilih drive yang ingin Anda instal, di sini kita memiliki kemampuan untuk mengelola disk, format, membuat partisi dll Jika Anda berencana untuk men-setup Dual boot maka Anda dapat memilih drive yang berbeda. Setelah Anda mengkonfigurasi drive klik “Next”

  7. Itu saja sekarang akan dimulai proses instalasi, tunggu sampai selesai yang mengambil waktu 10 menit sampai 1 jam tergantung pada konfigurasi Hardware.

  8. Setelah itu menyelesaikan instalasi Komputer Anda akan reboot dan akan mempersiapkan pengaturan2. Jadi silahkan menunggu beberapa saat.

  9. Sekarang akan membawa Anda untuk mempersonalisasi pengaturan desktop Anda. Silahkan pilih “Express settings” yang pada layarnya tertera keterangan tentang apa saja settingan akan dilakukan.

  10. Tidak seperti sistem operasi lain, pada Windows 8 Anda dapat login menggunakan account Windows Live. Jadi, Anda dapat memasukkan informasi account Windows Live Anda.

  11. Jika tidak ingin menggunakan metode login ini, silahkan klik pada “I don’t want to log in with a Windows Live ID”.

    Anda dapat memilih “Local account” untuk membuat Username dan Password untuk login ke Windows Anda.

    Setelah semua informasi telah dimasukkan, klik “Next”.
  12. Sekarang Windows akan mengkonfigurasi pengaturan Anda

  13. Setelah semuanya di setup, maka kita akan disuguhkan tampilan Desktop Windows 8.

Monday, December 3, 2012


Remedial kk1
Nama:m abi rasul
Kelas:x mm3
    Cerita ini berawal pada bocah kelas 5 SD yang hobi bermain bola ,namanya INDRA,dan dia bercita cita jadi pemain bola propesional seperti idolanya yaitu bambang pamungkas,INDRA adalah fans berat bambang pamungkas,dan waktu itu di kotanya ada turnamenbola antara persija lawan kotanya yaitu pesik kuningan ,dan dia bersama teman –temannya menonton bola tersebut,dan sebelum berngkat INDRA minta ijin dulu ke ibunya dan minta di doakan supaya ia mendapatkan  tanda tangan BP dan ibunya pun mengijinkan nya,bersama teman – teman INDRA nyarter mobil ke stadion ,sesampainya di sana INDARA langsung masuk ke stadion masud,pas di dalam INDRA melihat BP sedang berjalan menuju ruang ganti ,INDRA langsung lari ke arahnya dan di halang oleh polisi tapi dia memohon sebaik baiknya sampai dia keluar air mata dan akhirnya dia di perbolehkan bertemu dengan BP ,dan akhirnya dia mendapatkan tandatangannya dan juga berterima kasih pada ibunya yang telah mendoakannya.
Pemain dan karakter: ibnu sbg indra :cengeng,optimis, pantang menyerah
                                       Nunung sbg ibu indra:baik hati, lemah lembut
                  Teman indra:baik
Analisis proses pengerjaannya
Latar/seting:rumah indra,lapangan bermain.stadion masud.
Scene:terdiri dari 250 scene :di rumah indra(50scene),di lapangan bermain(55scene),di stadion masud(45scene)
Analisis biaya
Biaya semua untuk membuat film adalah 7M
Di pasarkan di bioskopindonesia di 2500 bioskop,dalam penayangan 4kali sehari dalam 1 bulan
Harga tiket:25.000x4x30=3.000.000.
JADI 25.000X20.000=500.000.000.


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Police: Suicide bombings target U.S.-Afghan base, kill 2 civilians and 3 soldiers

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Pushed to the limit: The World's Toughest Endurance Challenges

(CNN) -- While obesity rates soar in the developed world and we live an ever more sedentary lifestyle, the flip side to this health time bomb is the paradox that more and more amateur athletes are taking on extreme endurance challenges.
The spectacular setting of the Himalayas is the battleground for the Yak Attack -- a 400km feat of mountain biking endurance and nerve. IInvolving 12,000m of climbing over the highest mountain pass in the world, competitors have to cope with the effects of altitude, frostbite and snow blindness. Running a 42km marathon is still considered a huge achievement, but "weekend warriors" have now turned in their droves to Ironman Triathlons.
For the uninitiated, that's a 3.8km swim, 180km cycle race and the marathon to finish.
And the more offbeat the challenge, the more entrants seem to be attracted.
In Telford, England each year thousands of people take part in an eccentric event called the Tough Guy Challenge, which involves a 12km run and assault course in freezing winter conditions.
Triple Ironman
Despite the pain and the hours of preparation, such endurance events are strangely addictive.
Briton Mark Kleanthous has competed in 34 Ironmans -- including the most famous of them all in the blistering heat and brutal winds of Hawaii -- two double Ironmans and one Triple Ironman.
Since the mid-eighties, the 51 year-old has finished over 450 triathlons, making him almost certainly the record holder in that respect, not to mention the small matter of 75 mere marathons.
"The longer the event, the more the mind takes over, in a marathon it is probably only 10% mental in a Triple Ironman, with sleep deprivation, it must be at least 40% mental strength to continue," Kleanthous, who now coaches and mentors athletes who take on these challenges, told CNN.
Kleanthous took just under 46 hours of continuous action to complete his solitary Triple Ironman attempt.
Sleep deprivation
"I have known ultra endurance athletes to commit suicide within months of finishing sleep deprivation events," said Kleanthous.
"In events lasting days with no sleep for one or two hours per day athletes have hallucinated and believed they have seen friends or family cheering them by the side of the roads.
"One competitor believed he saw his parents and it was only after the race he realized he had hallucinated because his parents were dead."
Despite these warnings, it does not stop the rush to compete in events like the Marathon des Sables, which is also featured in the 50 challenges.
It is a near 200km run in the blazing temperatures and freezing nights of the Sahara Desert -- with a two-year waiting list to compete.
Many competitors are inspired by the exploits of superstar endurance athletes such as four-time Hawaii Ironman world champion Chrissie Wellington of Britain.

Friday, November 30, 2012


ini dia ynag beda klik

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Syrian rebels down jet, take video of bloodied pilot

(CNN) -- Syrian rebels appear to have scored a major victory Wednesday.

Photos: Showdown in SyriaFighters who have been trying for nearly two years to topple President Bashar al-Assad and his sizeable military tell CNN that they have shot down three military aircraft in the
past 24 hours in the city of Aleppo.
Rebels posted two videos online to support their claims, including footage showing them bandaging a bloodied and moaning pilot.
CNN's Arwa Damon is inside Syria and went to the scene of one of the crashes.
She said locals rushed to the site and picked apart the aircraft, stuffing its parts in bags. Damon and her crew saw what appeared to be an engine on a cart hooked to a tractor. Cheering children were piled on the tractor as it drove away.
Other video shows rebels carrying an unconscious man wearing what looks like a military pilot uniform. Off-camera, someone says, "Here is the pilot who was shelling houses of civilians! The heroes of Darret Ezza shot down his plane!"
The video of the downed helicopters could be related to rebels seizing a key Syrian Air Force headquarters more than a week ago. The Assad regime has depended on the Air Force for much of the war to fight the rebels.
Video appears to show rebels coming upon a large cache of missiles at this particular headquarters, which CNN believes belongs to the Air Force 46th brigade. The rebels told Damon there were about 300 missiles in total, but only about half of them are operable. Many of them could be Soviet-era, and al-Assad kept the tube and trigger component of those weapons in separate locations to prevent their use should they wind up in the hands of his enemies. About half of the weapons, however, appear to work and the rebels told Damon they intend to use them.
Meanwhile, in another major incident in the country's capital Damascus, at least 45 people died and 120 were wounded in two car bombings in Jaramana, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Wednesday. The Interior Ministry had conflicting numbers, reporting 34 dead and 83 injured.
Women and children were among those killed, the observatory said.
Jaramana, a small town surrounded by fields, has provided a refuge for pro-government Syrians displaced in the civil war.
the Local Coordination Committees of Syria reported a nationwide death toll of 90 for Wednesday, including the people it said were killed in Jaramana.
State media did not give a nationwide toll. 
At the same time the car bombs went off, two explosive devices simultaneously detonated in the al-Nahda and al-Qerayyat neighborhoods, both of which are in the Damascus suburbs. Officials did not provide a casualty count in those areas.
Jaramana residents are a mix of Christians and the Druze, the latter a minority offshoot of Shiite Islam.
Government officials blamed the attacks on terrorists, a term Syria routinely uses for rebel fighters and extremist elements in the country.
How did the Syrian crisis begin?
What started as security forces cracking down on mostly nonviolent protesters has spiraled into a civil war between pro-government forces and the rebels, including the Free Syrian Army.
About 40,000 civilians have been killed since the first protests 20 months ago against President Bashar al-Assad's government, according to the opposition Center for Documentation of Violations in Syria. And more than 380,000 Syrian refugees have fled to neighboring countries, creating humanitarian challenges abroad.
CNN cannot confirm claims by the government or the opposition because of government restrictions that prevent journalists from reporting freely within Syria.
Turkey's role
Turkey asked NATO Wednesday for Patriot missiles to bolster its air defenses against its southern neighbor, with which it shares a 822-kilometer (about 511-mile) border.
A letter to NATO included the "formal request" that the alliance send "air defense elements," according to a Turkish government statement that cited "the threats and risks posed by the continuing crisis in Syria to our national security."
The statement added that the NATO Council would convene "shortly" to consider the matter.
NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said in a Twitter post that the request would be considered without delay. A fact-finding team is on the ground in Turkey, according to Lt. Col. Jay Janzen, a spokesman for Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe.
"The fact-finding teams include experts from the nations that have shown their willingness to offer Patriots as well as Turkish officials and a few NATO experts," he said.
Turkish officials have emphasized that any deployment of the Patriot missiles would be purely for defensive measures. President Abdullah Gul said earlier this month that Turkey has no intention of going to war with Syria.
A NATO official who is not authorized to speak on record to the media told CNN that fact-finding team now in Turkey includes military personnel from Germany, the United States and Holland, the three countries that have available Patriot missile batteries.
The official also indicated that those batteries could be deployed dozens of kilometers away from the border fence.
"No decisions have been made about the location and numbers of Patriot batteries in Turkey," the official said.
The official said he doesn't believe "there will be an imminent threat from this deployment escalating the conflict between Turkey and Syria."
"By contrast, I think it will demonstrate a deterrence effect," the official said, "and make it clear that NATO is prepared to defend Turkish territory and Turkish population."

Why the world is ignoring Congo war

The M23 rebel group is fighting the Democratic Republic of Congo military for control of the country, and the violence is driving tens of thousands of Congolese out of their homes. Here on November 22, thousands fled the town of Sake and headed east to the camps for displaced in the village of Mugunga.Editor's note: Vava Tampa, a native of Congo, is the founder ofSave the Congo, a London-based campaign to tackle "the impunity, insecurity, institutional failure and the international trade of minerals funding the wars in Democratic Republic of the Congo." Follow Vava Tampa on twitter: @VavaTampa
(CNN) -- If humanitarian crises were listed by some sort of moral -- or editorial -- standards on the stock exchange, to help indicate which ones urgently require international news coverage and political action, shares of the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) would have commanded international news headlines and extensive press coverage over the past 12 years.
The U.N. has labeled the DRC, Africa's second largest country, as the "rape capital of the world" because of the pace and scope of the use of rape as a weapon of war by proxy militia gangs fighting for control of Congo's easily appropriable and highly valuable natural resources, destined for sale in Europe, Asia, Canada and the United States.
The wars in that country have claimed nearly the same number of lives as having a 9/11 every single day for 360 days, the genocide that struck Rwanda in 1994, the ethnic cleansing that overwhelmed Bosnia in the mid-1990s, the genocide that took place in Darfur, the number of people killed in the great tsunami that struck Asia in 2004, and the number of people who died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki -- all combined and then doubled.
Yet we rarely hear anything about it. Indeed, one only need contrast media coverage of the latest Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza strip and Hamas rocket attacks into southern Israel, which have made front pages around the world, to the stunningly limited media coverage afforded to graphic accounts of atrocities committed that same week by M23, the newest militia gang terrorizing the local population.
The same trend has been observed in the extensive coverage of the on-going, fast-moving and difficult-to-report civil war in Syria, which has claimed nearly 40,000 lives.
M23's murderous campaigns to besiege Congo's eastern mineral-rich provinces of North and South Kivu have left over 200,000 people in terrible conditions, killed countless and ushered in a dire humanitarian transgression.
The Rwandan government has been accused by the United Nations of backing M23 by providing it with arms, support and soldiers, but Rwanda's President, Paul Kagame, has denied the allegation.
The question here is not whether the human suffering in Congo deserves more media coverage because it is greater than that in Syria or Gaza, but rather, why has the crisis in Syria or Gaza qualified for extensive media coverage, but not the killing and raping industries in Congo?
I doubt that this is because of a shortage of sobering imagery of Congo's killing fields or a lack of first-hand testimonies from survivors, or a lack of human rights and humanitarian reports and assessments of the situation.
Is it due to the geographical or cultural distance between London or Washington and Congo? Or are Western media just reluctant, if not uninterested, to cover it because no Western interests or ally is endangered by it?
Would the coverage the situation in Congo receives be the same if it was happening in Europe or if Congo spoke English rather than French?
What if Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe or his disciples were implicated in funding murderous militia gangs in Congo? Or if the killing was between black Africans and Arabs? Or if minerals funding Congo's killing and raping industries benefited the East more than the West?
But as an activist, I believe that the editors of news organizations such as CNN, Al Jazeera and the BBC must flood the airwaves with vivid images and news stories on the human sufferings in Congo. Newspapers such the Guardian, in the UK, and the New York Times must drumbeat front-page news stories on the wars and human tragedy engulfing that country.
Unless they tip that balance a little and force policy makers in Washington and internationally to pay more attention and act, the killing, raping and looting that have thus far claimed over 5.4 million Congolese lives, and continue to leave 1,100 women raped every single day, could continue to unfold undetected by the camera lenses of Western media and excluded from Western political agenda.
The opinions expresse

Terrorized, starving and homeless: Myanmar's Rohingya still forgotten

The Rohingya are stateless with nowhere to go. Driven by fear many are congregating in huge makeshift camps on the edge of the Rahkine town of Sittwe.Sittwe, Myanmar (CNN) -- It's been three years since I reported on the plight of the Rohingya Muslim people of western Myanmar and neighboring Bangladesh.
We called our documentary "A Forgotten People," and it looked at appalling incidents where boatloads of refugees fleeing poverty and persecution arrived in Thailand only to be towed back out to sea and abandoned by the Thai security forces. Hundreds died or went missing.

But now that's changing. U.S. President Barack Obama addressed their plight during his recent visit to Yangon. The lukewarm response he got in the auditorium was nothing to the vitriol he got online. Even mentioning the name Rohingya is controversial for some in Myanmar
We have come to Rahkine to report on the latest threat to the Rohingya. What we have found is shocking. The Rohingyas are among the most persecuted people on the planet. In both Myanmar and Bangladesh -- where they have a deep-rooted heritage dating back to when it was known as East Bengal -- they are not officially citizens and are denied passports, access to health-care, education and decent jobs.
Each country claims the Rohingya is the other's problem. In July this year, the Bangladeshi government ordered three international aid organizations to stop helping Rohingya who were crossing the border from Myanmar.
In Myanmar, their perilous situation has become markedly worse in recent months. Mobs of Buddhist Rahkine extremists have been torching whole Rohingya villages.Hundreds have died and more than 100,000 people have been forced to flee, according to humanitarian groups.
But there is nowhere for them to go. So driven by fear many are congregating in huge makeshift camps on the edge of the Rahkine town of Sittwe.
I was expecting the camps to be grim -- but I wasn't prepared to see children starving to death. This isn't journalistic hyperbole. The two western doctors working unofficially here have watched several children perish before their eyes -- not from a rare tropical disease or an untreated chronic condition, but simply from malnutrition.
I find it sickening and outrageous that this is happening in a land of plentiful food in 2012. Perhaps I am naïve or too idealistic. I should probably know better, I should have seen enough of the world's misery and violence to be unaffected by a wide-eyed kid too fatigued to swat the flies from her eyes. But this one broke my heart.
She's not alone.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

JawabanUlangan KK

jwaban kk1
1.multimedia secara bahasa yautu : multi artinya banyak , media artinyya alat,jadi maksudnya banyak alatyang bisa di gunakan untuk membuat suatu hal seperti editing vidio dll.
2.-pembuatan ktp ellektronik
   -layanan telepon desa
   -layanan internet masyarakat
   -print gratis untuk masyarakat
   -layanan internet untuk masyarakat
3.-vidio cara kerja alat ukur
   -vidio eksperimen - eksperimen
   -vidio animasi tentang materi fisika
   -vidio tentang gayaan
5.judu                     :"BERBURU TOMCAT"
  -di sutradarai oleh :pyters michael
  -jenis film              :komedi
  -di produseri oleh  :sony entertaiment
  -durasi                  :02:00 (2 jam)
  -sinopsis               :ada sekumpulan murid smp yang resah karna di kampungnya banyak tomcat berkeliaran ,awalnya mereka mengira itu awalnya hanya serangga biasa namun setelah ada korban yang kena merekapun membentuk sebuah tim namanya tim bacet yang artinya "BASMI TOMCAT" dan mereka selalu beraksisetiap tomcat datang ,mereka menggunakan baju dari kardus dan sapu sebagai senjatanya untuk melawan tomcat tersebut. dakhirnya kampung itu bebas tomcat dan akhirnya mereka jadi phlaean di kampungnya.
  -biaya produksi    :sekitar 1,3 M dan memperoleh keuntungan skitar 3M
  -pemeran/tim bacet: IJEM sbagai ANGEL
                                 USMAN sbagai JAK (pemimpin)
                                 UDIN sbgai ERIK
                                 ICIH sbagai CATY
                                 DIDIN sbagai GABRIEL
  -tempat shooting  :-dikampung rambutan
                              -kota tua
                               - sungai ciliwung

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Israel, face new reality: Talk to Hamas

(CNN) -- When I visit Jerusalem and the West Bank, I frequently ask young Arabs about their views on Hamas. In almost every discussion, Christians and Muslims alike refuse to label Hamas as a "terrorist" organization. When I raise criticism of Hamas and its targeting of innocent civilians, my comments never register. The responses are some variation of "Israel has taken over our lands and killed thousands of Arab civilians over the years. Hamas is only resisting occupation and fighting for our rights."
I hear similar sentiments in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and even non-Arab Pakistan. Al-Jazeera Arabic gives prominence to the popular Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who has repeatedly called suicide bombings against Israelis not terrorism, but "martyrdom." He argues that since Israelis all serve in the military, they are not civilians. Even children, he despicably argues, are not innocent. They would grow up to serve in the military. Qaradawi is not alone.
I can name tens of Muslim clerics, important formulators of public opinion in a region dominated by religion, that will readily condemn acts of terrorism against the West, but will fall silent when it comes to condemning Hamas or Islamic Jihad. Put simply, support for violent resistance against Israel among Arab and Muslim-majority countries -- including allies of the United States such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Tunisia -- remains popular.
Hamas benefits from that support. From radical Iran to moderate Tunisia, Hamas' Prime Minister Ismail Haniyyeh was welcomed by vast cheering crowds during visits this year.
In a new Middle East, where popular opinion matters more than ever before, to demand that people condemn Hamas is a political nonstarter. It won't happen. Israel's talk of Hamas terrorism has failed to convince the Muslim and Arab masses. And worse, the label of "terror" loses its importance when entire populations, essentially, see nothing wrong with Hamas's violent activities.
In short, Israel's strategy has failed to win Muslim hearts and minds. In the long term, it cannot continue to rely on military superiority and Western support in the face of popular hostility. Israel is a nation in the Middle East, and it needs to find a home and place among its increasingly democratic neighbors. The old ideas of "we do not talk to terrorists" are not only strategically futile, but also untrue.
In order to secure the release of kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, Israelis (in both official and unofficial capacities) negotiated with Hamas. In spite of the Netanyahu government's bluster about refusing to deal with Hamas now, securing a cease-fire involves doing exactly that with the help of Egypt's new Islamist government.
In the past, Israel refused to talk with the PLO and Yasser Arafat, and in 1988, despite Israel's intransigence, the United States opened a dialogue with the PLO and thereby helped steer the organization to its nonviolent politics today. Similar examples abound in recent history from South Africa, where Margaret Thatcher once called the African National Congress and Nelson Mandela terrorists, to Northern Ireland's Sinn Fein.
In short, when the political calculations shift, the actions of terrorists are altered. Lest we forget, George Washington was labeled a terrorist by the British. But that label carried little weight amid his support base in America.
Today, Israel's labels of terrorist mean nothing to the people of the region. Newly empowered, their views and attitudes matter. Israel cannot continue to swim against the tide. For its own security, to strengthen the interests of the United States in the region and to show recognition of the changes that are sweeping the entire Middle East, Israel needs to change. It must talk directly with Hamas. The old game is over. Hamas is here to stay. In 2004 Israel killed its founder Ahmed Yassin, and then his successor Abdel Aziz Rantisi Rantissi and now the head of its military wing, Ahmed al-Ja'abar, each time vowing to weaken Hamas, only to see it return stronger. Those mistakes cannot be repeated again.
To demand that Hamas abandon violence, change its charter or recognize Israel is not the beginning, but should be the end results of a peace process that builds trust over a period of time. To impose these as preconditions and thereby exclude Hamas, while also neglecting the Fatah government in the West Bank, is to give a clear message to Arabs that no strategy (that of Fatah or Hamas) is to Israel's liking. Such perceived arrogance further alienates populations in important countries such as Turkey and Egypt, not to mention the Palestinians.
The United States needs these newly emerging democracies on its side. Better relations with 300 million Arabs helps secure Israel too. A stronger America in the region is good news for Israel. A tiny nation of seven million cannot be allowed to damage ties between 360 million Americans and 300 million Arabs. Conversely, Arabs have a duty to recognize Israel as home to the children of Abraham, the descendants of Moses.
Across the Arab world, from Tunisia to Yemen, we are witnessing turmoil and the rise of violent Salafi organizations. Attacks on U.S. embassies recently served as a potent reminder of the forces that are being unleashed. Israel can help itself, its neighbors and the United States by at least ending its old tactics of war and embracing the Arab peace plan offered since 2002 by Saudi Arabia and endorsed by the Arab League. It is time for Israel to act like the democracy it claims to be and end the siege of Gaza and the occupation of the West Bank.
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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Shadow of former president looms over China's new leaders

Hong Kong (CNN) -- When the new names of China's elite political committee were announced Thursday they didn't come as a surprise to one leading China expert. Rather, they reinforced the sense of "a major opportunity lost."
"This Party congress has sent a very clear signal that this leadership is politically conservative," said Cheng Li of the Brookings Institution, who predicted that the lineup wouldn't go down well with the Chinese people who he said were looking for signs of political reform.
"You can imagine the Chinese public may start to express some dissatisfaction with the dominance of princelings (sons of revolutionary leaders), with the elder and retired top leader Jiang Zemin's interference in the process of succession, and also that two liberal leaders Li Yuanchao and Wang Yang are excluded in the new Politburo Standing Committee (PSC)," he said.
As expected, the number of seats on the PSC shrank from nine members to seven and included the names at the top of many speculative lists: Xi Jinping (President), Li Keqiang (Premier), Zhang Dejiang, Yu Zhengshen, Liu Yunshan, Wang Qishan and Zhang Gaoli.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Assange living in a 'space station'

From Atika Shubert, CNN
October 26, 2012 -- Updated 1338 GMT (2138 HKT)
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London (CNN) -- Four months holed up in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London has been "a little like living in a space station" but beats prison, fugitive WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said Thursday.
Assange sought refuge in the embassy in June, after losing a court battle against extradition to Sweden. Since then, he has been living in a single room with a frosted-glass window while the business of the diplomatic mission goes on around him.
"It's a little like living in a space station, because there's no natural light and you've got to make all your own stuff. You can't go out to shops and so on," Assange told CNN in an interview Thursday. "But I have been in solitary confinement. I know what life is like for prisoners. It's a lot better than it is for prisoners."
Embassy staffers would not allow CNN to view his living quarters, but Assange appeared relaxed and healthy despite his restricted circumstances. His comments came the same day WikiLeaks began disclosing a new round of U.S. military documents dealing with handling prisoners in American military custody.
Though the first of the newly published documents include no bombshells, Assange said the records his group will put out are "documents of incredible historical importance" and demonstrate a "climate of unaccountability" within the U.S. government.
Ecuador granted Assange asylum in August, amid a diplomatic row between the United Kingdom and his South American hosts. British courts have approved his extradition to Sweden, and Assange faces arrest if he sets foot outside the embassy.
Assange has not been charged with a crime, but Sweden has said it wants to question him about allegations that he sexually assaulted a woman there. Assange has denied the allegations and says they're a ruse to get him to Sweden, which would then extradite him to the United States.
A U.S. Army intelligence analyst, Pfc. Bradley Manning, is currently awaiting trial on charges that he leaked hundreds of thousands of classified military and State Department documents while serving in Iraq. Many of those documents ended up on the WikiLeaks website, and Manning could be sentenced to life in prison if found guilty.
Assange said his standoff could end if the United States dropped its investigation of WikiLeaks.
"It's an immoral investigation," he said. "It breaches the First Amendment, it breaches all the principles that the U.S. government says it stands for and it absolutely breaches the principles the Founding Fathers stood for and which most of the U.S. people believe in."

Northeast in crosshairs of 'superstorm' Sandy

By Mariano Castillo and Ben Brumfield, CNN
October 27, 2012 -- Updated 0430 GMT (1230 HKT)
A satellite image of Hurricane Sandy from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) taken on Friday, October 26. 
CNN) -- No one hopes Hurricane Sandy lives up to its potential.
The storm that has already claimed nearly two dozen lives in the Caribbean churned Friday near the northern Bahamas, and meteorologists warn that it packs the potential to slam the U.S. Northeast as soon as Monday with powerful winds and pelting rain.
Worst case, Sandy could merge with a strong cold front from the west. The double threat could morph into a "superstorm" that could sit over New England for days, making untold trouble for millions of residents. Weather experts said it's a recipe not unlike 1991's "Perfect Storm."
"Expect it to move very slowly," said James Franklin of the National Hurricane Center. "The large size of the system and its slow motion will mean a long-lasting event with two to three days of impacts."
At 8 p.m. ET Friday, forecasters said Sandy was about 400 miles south-southeast of Charleston, South Carolina, heading north at 7 mph. It was a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 75 mph. It's possible, the hurricane center says, that Sandy may weaken to a tropical storm. Nonetheless, experts said, it's not to be taken lightly.Hurricane Sandy 'storm of a lifetime'
Hurricane Sandy hits Jamaica
"Forget about the category with this," said CNN meteorologist Rob Marciano. "When you have trees with leaves on them still, this kind of wind and rain on top of that, you're talking about trees that are going to come down, power lines are going to be out and the coastal flooding situation is going to be huge."
Sandy's death toll in Haiti, Jamaica and Cuba this week was 21 people.
The U.S. target area is hard to predict at this point. Some landfall computer models show the storm striking somewhere between the border separating North Carolina and Virginia north to Connecticut, some of the most densely populated areas of the country. The District of Columbia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and New York have declared states of emergency, while Maine's governor signed a limited emergency declaration.
The National Hurricane Center reported tropical storm watches and warnings were in effect, covering parts of the Florida and Carolina coasts.
With a national election already under way in many early-voting states, Sandy's wrath could have a ripple effect on politics.
In Virginia Beach, a campaign rally scheduled for Sunday for GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney was canceled because of Sandy. There was no word yet on the status of other events scheduled later in the week. "We're keeping an eye on it," said a senior campaign adviser.
Similarly, Vice President Joe Biden canceled his visit to Virginia Beach on Saturday, "out of an abundance of caution to ensure that all local law enforcement and emergency management resources can stay focused on ensuring the safety of people who might be impacted by the storm," according to the campaign of President Barack Obama.
Bad weather in Maryland or Washington, D.C., could make it harder for people to get out and cast their ballots. Early voting kicked off Monday in Washington and is scheduled to start Saturday in Maryland. But Friday, Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley warned that his state's early voting could be affected by the pending storm, leaving open the possibility that the vote could be rescheduled, or relocated.
U.S. residents in Sandy's path, forecasters said, should prepare for the possibility of several days without power.
"There is potential for widespread power outages, not just for a couple of days but for a couple of weeks or more, if the storm stays on track," said meteorologist Kathy Orr of CNN affiliate KYW-TV in Philadelphia. The computer weather predictions are murky, but by Friday afternoon, it seemed unlikely the storm would bring freezing rain or snow to the coast. Snow is possible in mountain areas, including the Appalachians.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

When Ike faced down a rising nuclear power

By Evan Thomas, Special to CNN
October 24, 2012 -- Updated 1650 GMT (0050 HKT)
 President Dwight D. Eisenhower addresses the nation on U.S. intervention in Formosa (now Taiwan), in 1958.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower addresses the nation on U.S. intervention in Formosa (now Taiwan), in 1958.
  • Evan Thomas: Biggest decision for next president could be on bombing Iran's nuclear facilities
  • He says Eisenhower pondered a pre-emptive strike against a rising nuclear power: the USSR
  • He was pressed by some to strike but grasped the magnitude and decided not to do it
  • Thomas: Ike was good bluffer; faced with similar decision, will our next president fare as well?
In 1958, when he was under tremendous pressure to build more missiles to catch up the Russians, which had just launched the first satellite, Sputnik, and seemed to be creating what the press and some Democrats were calling "the missile gap," Ike seemed strangely passive. He knew that the CIA's spy plane, the U-2, had not found any Soviet ICBMs, but he wanted to keep the existence of the spy plane a secret.
The president's bland public statements disappointed even his followers and gave rise to mutterings that he was too old (68) and playing too much golf (about 100 times a year). In the winter of 1958, Eisenhower was visited by the poet, Robert Frost, who gave him a book of his poems inscribed with the notation, "The strong are saying nothing until they see." Ike wrote a friend that Frost's words were his "favorite maxim."
Eisenhower was accustomed to carrying great responsibility.
In his breast pocket on D-Day, he carried a note he had written in case the landings failed. "The responsibility is mine alone," it read. On his first day as president in 1953, Ike wrote in his diary, "Plenty of worries and difficult problems. But such has been my portion for a long time."
Neither Obama nor Romney have Eisenhower's experience or credentials. But you can see just by looking at Obama's face that he has been forced to learn on the job. He or Romney will face greater tests.
Both men have said that containment is not an option when it comes to Iran getting the bomb. Will either man strike first? Wait for Israel to strike first? Get ready to join a wider Middle East war?
The strong are saying nothing until they see.